Kingdom Friends And Partners

Friends and Partners for New England for Jesus! 

Kevin WADE has always been a great personal  friend to the Kalemas. It was such a blessing to have him, at our ACQUIRE THE FIRE Conference 2024.

Joseph Kalema Ministries is tasked with spreading the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the Dominion of Jesus Christ to the entire world, starting in New England. As such, we are involved in many activities and outreaches, both at home in the U.S. and abroad. We believe in Unity of the Spirit, as spirit-filled believers.

As a Friend and Kingdom Partner:

  • Connector.

    You will . . .

    . . . stay in the place where God has called you to minister, but attend symposiums or leadership training for effectiveness in your calling and gifting.

  • Connector.

    You will . . .

    . . . be welcome to actively participate and directly get involved with your prayer group; in all our local, national and international events or activities that advance Jesus Christ’s Kingdom expansion. Remember, ‘many hands make light work.’

  • Connector.

    You will . . .

    . . . have access to all meetings we (Joseph Kalema Ministries Inc) conduct nationwide, as you build your prayer group in prayer and intercession.

  • Connector.

    You will . . .

    . . . have the opportunity to be aligned to the spiritual covering of Joseph Kalema Ministries and attend our prophetic prayer expo together with other leaders in strategic praying and Kingdom building, as we restore family prayer altars in our communities. Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17).

  • Connector.

    You will . . .

    . . . have the opportunity to sow into very fertile ground, as God leads you to give. All donations to Joseph Kalema Ministries are tax deductible.

  • Connector.

    You will . . .

    … have a strong apostolic spiritual covering — one that you, as a prayer and intercessory believer, truly need. As a Friend and Partner, you get to be accountable to us as we get to be accountable to you in terms of spiritual growth and progression. We believe God’s revelation is progressive. This kind of alignment reduces the likelihood of constant spiritual attacks on an individual because Unity in the Spirit builds a protective wall around us! Together we are strong, because the Bible says “In the multitude of counsellors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)

We appreciate and celebrate you as a child of God and a son who is being manifested daily as The Word unfolds in and through you.

I want to partner with you in this work; get in touch. Click here.

I need you to pray with me and want to keep in touch, and add me on your mailing list.  Welcome to our family fellowship; to share more; click  here